Rooia Holdings & Investment Group Of Companies

One Industry All Solution


About Us

30 Long Years Of Development Excellence With Quality At It's Best!

Rooia Investment Company LLC being a story of more than 30 years in moderation and development concurring industrial projects in the field of Renewable energy, oil, gas, construction, telecommunication and technology.

We started in 1979 from Jordan as our major business was running in Iraq, until 1990. We implemented with the Iraqi government a large number of contracts in various fields : construction, scientific equipment, spare parts, food and privileges.

Our Products

We are the industry heads and produce the most reliable and trendy solution you are looking for.

Solar Power upto 800 (MW)-Kazakhstan

Solar power Project in Kazakhstan, Produce electricity up to 800 MW to government of Kazakhstan.

Water Hydro power upto 1200 (MW)-Kazakhstan

Water Hydro power plant on Dam, to produce 1200 (MW) Electricity to government of Kazakhstan.

Road Traffic System and Radar- Uzbekistan & Egypt

Implementing Road traffic control system, by Radar & cameras. Its focus on major cities with vision to cover entire country.

Rooia International Investment company invites for International investors to participate at ongoing projects

Our Contributions

Projects We Serve!

Solar Power Project In Kazakhastan, approx Budget ($160 Millon)

Ground Mounted 200 MG/WATT Solar Power Projects in Kazhajistan with opertiunity to increase it to 300 MG/WATT. 

Over $3,5 Billions of Investment with Kazakhstan for Oil & Refinery, and 270 Petrol stations.

Water Hydro power upto 1200 (MW)-Kazakhstan, approx. Budget ($600 Million) Water Hydro power plant on Dam, to produce 1200 (MW) Electricity to government of Kazakhstan. 

Radar in Egypt  approx. Budget ($1.2 Billion)

Egypt ministry of Interior proposed to bring investment over $1.2 billions to cover entire country for traffice radar and cameras.

Upcoming Project to build 5G Network and Data Center in Uzbekistan and Kazakhastan.

Uzbekistan and Kazakhatan have Awarded Multi-Construction projects to Rooai Holdings & Investment Company, total Project Cost More than $700 Millions. it include Smart City development, Real Estate, Construction of 1000 Villa & Building Construction. Proposed Completion date by End of 2030.


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