Egypt has to Implement Road Safety and Radar Control System


By Rooia's News Editor

Cairo, Egypt Approves Road Camera and Radar System proposed By Rooia International Investment Company, it will Enhance the Safety and Control to Nation. Before the End of 2022 project to Start Earliest at Major cities. Mr. Mahmoud Mousaly invites potential investors to Invest and participate with this great Journey in Egypt about Road and safety violations. As per Mr. Mahmoud Mousaly the CEO of ROOIA holdings and investment UAE based company, the total project cost would go upto 1 billion dollars and we are in the process to finalize the project cost and investment with the International investors.
Soon we are going to present the financial and budget costing to the government of Egypt and plan to have detailed technical discussion with the Egyptian Traffic and control department and the installation team from a UK Based company with the Ministry of Interior in Egypt.
This project is supposed to start before End of this year 2020. We will plan and implement the first phase of the project by disclosing the initial study about major cities where we have a main target to start from.

Egypt Installs New Smart Cameras On Freeways Nationwide In Traffic Department Overhaul


The Egyptian traffic department just announced the introduction of a wave of new equipment that will help bring their attention to illegal activities undertaken by drivers, particularly on Cairo’s freeways.

Traffic department sources told local media that new cameras have been installed on most of the nation’s freeways that will not only report any cars that break speed limits, but also through computerized systems will raise alarms regarding any stolen vehicles as well as any cars that have failed to adhere to the department’s licensing regulations.

Any reports submitted by these systems will be sent directly to the traffic department where a new control room has been set up total deal directly with these cases. Through archive information, the new control rooms will deal with any infractions in a much more organized way in their new attempt to bring a new level of road safety nationwide.

This comes in light of the nation’s overhaul of the traffic systems that will see every traffic officer equipped with personal digital assistant (PDA) devices that will help them locate stolen vehicles through a larger connectivity of police info to the traffic department as well as of course make it easier to bust people who have made it a habit to speed on the nation’s freeways.

The overhaul has also seen the installation of automated kiosks all over the country that will make renewing your license much easier and faster for the nation’s motorists, which we honestly can’t applaud enough, considering the extended periods of time we have to wait at the DMV to get any paperwork completed or our licenses renewed.

The traffic department introduced their new sticker system on all vehicles in the country last year, a system that will be completely implemented later this year, where every vehicle will be installed with a barcode-style sticker that is readable through officers’ PDAs. The sticker includes all the necessary info regarding any vehicle, including the owner’s details as well as licensing expiration dates.

The information age has seen much of Egypt’s existing infrastructure completely made over and the progress is undeniable.

By Rooia's News Room