The latest discovery of science in this century is Nano science or Nanotechnology, which will be the basis of the development of all Industries in the future.

This is one of the main field of our work and specialization in the current period , we are now agents for one of the world’s largest companies in this field. ” Dina Nano technology”, and” Stop Ford” from England. We are working on setting up the first project of its kind in the world which called ,” Nano Technology Park”, This project will gather the latest inventions and specialized industries in Nano science from all over the world to be in one specialized Area, The first phase of this project is worth one billion and fifty five million dollar.

We will be the first company in region to work on Nano carbon pipes .which can be used for a lot of industrial fields .The technology is really to be found but we are Pioneer of this technology.

A lot of countries tried to achieve and implement this technology but they failed; however we succeeded what others failed to do and where they will stop we will go forward simply as we have the required management under our chairman Mr.Mahmoud Mousaly and full team of brilliant minds to achieve and hold this technology.