
Rooia Holdings UAE Based company to Invest $1,2 Billions, Multi-projects at Uzbekistan

Tashkent, Uzbekistan have Signed a New Venture with UAE based Investment Company, Rooia International to Start New Era of development, it set to be complete till 2028.
Multi projects Joint venture Signed by both countries last year Dec 2021. Projects having different field such as : projects in the field of Renewable energy, construction, telecommunication and technology.

Rooia holdings & Investment Company having 30 years of experience in different fields.

Solar Power,  Water Hydro Power, Bio Waste Engery, Construction, Radar System, Tooling Truck System, Nano technology, 5G Telecom, Data Centers, Airport Construction, Air Cargo Facilities etc.

New venture with Uzbekistan for Traffic Control System by RADAR

Tashkent, Uzbekistan Ministry and traffic control signed the joint venture with UAE based company, Rooia Holdings and investment,as per the reports, Ministry and traffic control department issued the award letter to Rooia holdings to proceed with traffic camera and radar installation in different region as the priority base proposed plan.
Mr. Mahmoud Mousaly, CEO and chairman of the company congratulates and gives the best wishes to the Uzbekistan government to support and honor us with an awarded project to control the road safety and road violation.
He added, the proposed project cost around $250 million to cover all major cities in Uzbekistan. Project announcement came in early 2021, and is set to be initiated with End of year 2022.

A Flexible System for All Scenarios

$7OO Million Construction Project Awarded to Rooia International, UAE Based Investment Company

ashkent, Uzbekistan have Awarded Multi-Construction projects to Rooai International Investment Company, total Project Cost More than $700 Millions. it include Smart City development, Real Estate, Construction of 1000 Villa & Building Construction. Proposed Completion date by End of 2030.


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